Several of the preservation groups listed have Web pages of their own; these can be found by following the links below. As well, there is also the comprehensive Guide to Australian Heritage Railways and Museums to look at for further details on the groups.

To begin with, there are many Yahoo groups (such as Ausloco and LocoShed) as well as the Railpage discussion forums.

If you have a Web site that also covers Australian diesel and electric locomotives, and you would like a link to your site, email me, and I will provide a link.

I haven't checked these links for a while so I realise that not all of them may be up-to-date.

Locomotive fleet pages:


Government Operators: Private Operators: Manufacturers: Other Railway Industry: Museums and Preservation groups
This list covers only those who have locos which are included in Locopage, or those with Tasmanian diesel locos.


New South Wales + ACT Queensland South Australia Western Australia Tasmania

Locomotive Page Introduction

� Copyright John Cleverdon