Locopage is definitely not a
"one-man show". There is continual research for all the
information that is provided. The credits below are for both the
original Locopage and Locopage2.
The main published sources of the information for this site are:
Given the large amount of information
provided, it could not have been what it is without the input
from the people listed below:
Greg Adams, Allan, George Anselme, John Armstrong, Jeff Austin,
Baker, Martin Baumann, Craig Belcher, Jim Bisdee, Neil Blinco,
Paul Bond, Adam Boughton, Matt Bowen, Michael Bray, Norm Bray,
David Bromage, John Browning, Bob Burns, Hugh Burns, Bill Butler,
Chris Carpenter, Peter Clark, Matthew Clements, Andrew Clinton,
Peter Cokley, Rick Coles, Doug Colquhoun, Steve Corrigan, Brad
Coulter, Adrian Cuvalo, Ken Dailey, Jim Dean, Daryl Dedman, Brady
Dell, Melanie Dennis, Trent Deverell, Rod Diery, Stuart Dix,
Michael Dix, Dale Dixon, Nic Doncaster, Russell Donnelly, Ted
Drake, Chris Drymalik, John Dunleavy, David Elliott, Alan Erskine,
Grahame Ferguson, Jason Ferguson, Keith Findlay, Jamie Fisher,
Scott Fitzgerald, Howard Franks, Lindsay Free, Merv Gaut, Wesley
Gleeson, George, Robert Gill, Graeme, Jason Grandcourt, Tim Gray,
Matthew Green, Nicholas Griffin, Mark Grigg, Craig Haber, Lesleigh
Hall, Mark Hall, Geoff Hann, Peter Haworth, Peter Herniman, David
Hockey, Darren Hodges, Garry Holt, Bernie Home, Glen Hopkins, John
Hourigan, Michael House, Peter Hower, Hunslet, Geoff Ind, Barton
Jennings, Scott Jesser, Gary Johns, Michael Johns, Jason Kemp,
Pete Kilburn, Joel Kirchner, Shaun Kirkby, Marshall Kitson, Peter
Knife, Stephen Knight, Gary Lamb, Ian Larcher, Jonathan Lau, Kevin
Lawrence, Stephen Leach, Mike Lee, Stuart Livesey, Ian
Livingstone, Graeme Lythall, Peter MacFarlane, David McMorran,
Geoff Marks, Ian Marks, Tony Marsden, Ray Marsh, Roy Marshall,
Phillip Martin, John McCallum, David McMorran, Peter Medlin, Jens
Merte, Tony Middleton, Fergus Moffat, Richard Montgomery, John
More, David Morley, Lindsay Morrison, Glen Muller, Jeffrey
Mullier, Peter Neve, Paul Nicholson, Graham Nixon, Chris Nuthall,
Ray Oaff, Leon Oberg, Douglas O'Niell, Leigh Organ, John Orr,
Daniel Osborne, Tom Pacy, Dave Padgett, Steve Palmano, Greg
Palmer, Mike Palmieri, Robert Parnell, Brad Peadon, Ralph Penn,
Steve Pike, John Purcell, 'Railway Rasputin', John Regan, Roger
Renton, Denis Richardson, Graham Ringer, John Roberts, Paul
Rogers, Chris Ronchi, Bob Sampson, Ben Scanlon, John Scott, Kim
Seeborne, 'Shacks', Peter Silva, Frederick Simon, Rick Smearcheck,
Doug Smiley, Clark Spencer, Dean Stalker, Chris Stratton, Dietmar
Stresow, Ian Studham, Martin Thobaven, John Thomson, Mel Turner,
Peter Vincent, Barry Walding, Phil Waller, Chris Walters, Daven
Walters, Brian Webber, Philip Whitaker, John Whittingham, Peter
Williams, Rodney Williams, David Winter, Darren Wood, Bob
Woodcock, Glenn Wright, and any others who I have forgotten.
Thanks also to those who have asked to remain anonymous.
There are also the
and other email lists; and the 'aus.rail' newsgroup.
Finally, thanks to Brian Evans and the Railpage tech support crew,
for helping solve IT problems (for the original Locopage).
Locomotive Page Introduction
© Copyright John Cleverdon